Tuesday, September 01, 2009

BC Ferries domain name renewed? No it expired

UPDATE - CTV reports it was a techical error? Was it someone messing around with the DNS and entered the wrong IP? I sounds plausible since the holding page is a network solution branded link-farm.

UPDATE - As of September 1st 8:24AM PST, looks like they got their site back online. The domain name sniping that took down the BC Ferries website was first reported by Twitter'er rockinronnie at 12PM PST on August 31st. However, the WHOIS record has not changed yet and the Administrative contact is still of the Spammer/Domain Sniper. So they probably just changed the DNS back.

Looks like someone forgot to renew BC Ferries' Domain name... as of early this morning, even www.bcferries.ca forwards to www.bcferries.com.

I propose September 1st be the date set aside for webmaster around the world to dedicate the morning to check the renewal dates on all their work related domain names. Gives you a good excuse to tell your boss to need to spend the whole morning on GoDaddy and that if you rush it you might accidentally subscribe to a crappy web hosting or email plan.

Although the privatisation of BC Ferries might have resulted in some staff changes, there should be procedures in place to prevent an oversight like this from occurring. But if September 1st becomes DDR (Day for Domain Renewal) then a tragedy like this will never happen again.

This could be the first big case for ICANN's newly formed council dedicated to Post-Expiration Domain Name Recovery.

For schedule information you can call 1-888-BC-FERRY (1-888-223779).

After some searching on google, looks like the new Administrative
is a spammer and a domain name sniper.

Below is the new WHOIS record:
British Columbia Ferry Services Inc.
c/o Network Solutions
P.O. Box 447
Herndon, VA. 20172-0447

Administrative Contact:
Loussarian, Paul
British Columbia Ferry Services
c/o Network Solutions
P.O. Box 447
Herndon, VA 20172-0447
Technical Contact:
Doerksen, Brian
BC Ferries
c/o Network Solutions
P.O. Box 447
Herndon, VA 20172-0447
Record expires on 17-Jun-2019.
Record created on 18-Jun-1998.
Database last updated on 1-Sep-2009 03:11:10 EDT.

Domain servers in listed order:



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Never give your password to a stranger: Trust is a delicate thing that takes a long time to build but only second to destroy. You may meet a pretending star in poker room and you are friends with him/her. He/she will keep interacting with you days before playing her trick. So be carefull enough to protect your login credentials to yourself, else this may lead to disaster.

Be careful about what you download: Serious online gamers are looking for cheats or hacks for the games they play in order to give them an advantage over their opponents. Poker is no different and there are plenty of sites on the internet having facebook poker cheats and hacks for those brave enough to download and install them. But many of these so called facebook poker cheats have viruses or trojan programs. The moment you install any of these your computer is at the risk of attacks by the creator of the program. He can then have access to vital information that you access from your computer. Leaving your facebook poker account at risk of been hacked. If you never downloaded any of these programs then you’re probably safe, and if you have then you should run a spyware detection program. The best move will be for get your computer formatted to avoid any loop holes.

Phishing Links: This way of hacking has been thee for quite sometime now. Phishers send legitimate and official looking emails to your inbox. When you open them you are asked to click on the link and login in order to save your account or win free facebook poker chips, but in reality you are logging into a fake site that sends your information off to the hacker who made it. Before you find it out, its too late to react and they would have already broken into your account and emptied it of any facebook poker chips that you may have.

YouTube scams: If you do a search on youtube for facebook poker cheats, zynga poker hacks, or free facebook poker chips you’ll find hundreds of videos on the topic. More than 90% of them are made by idiots hoping to convince you to send them your account information. They range from slightly clever to completely moronic.

Image Photo Having Exe Embedded In it: This one is hard to catch. This is the latest fashion that is used by phisher, you will be asked to share family photo's. When you open their photo, that will innitiate an exe in the background which will steal all your information and send to the mastermind behin it. So be careful with whom you share photos.

Hope these tips help you saving your chips.

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Электрошокер достаточно подзаряжать примерно 1 час в неделю, а энергии встроенных аккумуляторов хватает очень надолго. Существует несколько видов электрошокеров, начиная от маломощных, способных воздействовать на противника на уровне психологии, до очень мощных, разряд которых «выключает» человека на 10-15 минут. Это время вполне достаточно, что бы убежать на безопасное расстояние. При этом шокер вполне безопасен для человека. Смертельных случаев а данный момент не выявлено. Не рекомендуется применять шокеры против людей со встроенными кардио-стимуляторами, а впрочем такой человек, вряд- ли решит на кого то напасть.
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SEO раскрутка ресурса можно разделить на две части:
1) Внутренняя оптимизация - это работа с наполнением ресурса; тексты, html-код, структура ресурса и тд.
Всё это необходимо привести в соответствие с требованиями релевантности поисковых систем.
2) Внешние факторы - это качество и количество ссылающихся ресурсов на Ваш сайт. Чем больше сайтов цитируют (ставят ссылки, рекомендуют) Ваш сайт, тем авторитетнее он выглядит в глазах поисковика.
Важно, проводив SEO для сайта, не использовать запрещенные методы продвижения, иначе это может негативно сказаться на позициях вплоть до полного исключения сайта из индекса поисковой системы.

Вот, вкратце, из чего состоит SEO, как продвижение сайта. Это всё конечно поверхностно, потому как каждый из этих пунктов имеет множество этапов, нюансов и правил.

Особый пакет услуг SEO. Стоимость от 300 у.е.

Особый пакет услуг – это разовый комплекс работ над вашим сайтом, направленый на то, чтобы сделать его наиболее оптимизированным под поисковые системы. Приблизительные сроки выполнения - 4-6 недель.

Этап 1
Анализ SEO состояния сайта
Обзор сайта, планирование оптимизации и продвижения
Анализ сайтов "конкурентов"
Анализ и подбор ключевых слов
Оптимизация мета-данных (подбор ключевых слов, заголовков, описаний)
Оптимизация кода (первое предложение, тэги H1, жирный и курсив текст и т.д.)
Интегрирование системы для обмена ссылками

Этап 2
Создание карты сайта
Создание динамической RSS ленты новостей
Оптимизация ссылок (Search Engine Friendly URLs)
Проверка кода на соответствие стандартам W3C

Этап 3
Регистрация в поисковых системах и каталогах
Оптимизация контента

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